We have new DVDs updated!
Go and enjoy them in CILL(A Core, 3/F)!

Here is the list

Code NoName in English  Language Director / AuthorYearGenre
AM.D 05Amadeus
Milos Forman1984Drama/Music
AM.D 06Amelie of Montmartre
Jean-Pierre Jeunet2001Comedy/Romance
AP.D 02The Apartment
Gilles Mimouni1996Drama/Mystery
AS.D 02The Assassination of Jesse James
Andrew Dominik2007biography/Crime
CH.D 06Children of Men
Alfonso Cuarón2006Adventure/Mystery
GR.D 02Gran Torino
Clint Eastwood2008Crime/Drama
HA.D 09Hancock
Peter Berg2008Action/Comedy
IL.D 01The Illusionist
Neil Burger2006Drama/Mystery
LA.D 08Laughing gor chi bin chit
Herman Yau2009Action/Crime
LA.D 09La Lingerie
Hing-Ka Chan/Janet Chun2008Comedy
LE.D 06Letter from Iwo Jima
Clint Eastwood2006Drama/History
MY.D 03Mystic River
Clint Eastwood2003Crime/Drama
TH.D 03There Will Be Blood
Paul Thomas Anderson2007Drama/Thriller
TO.D 01To Kill a Mockingbird
Robert Mulligan1962Crime/Drama
V.D 01V for Vendetta
James McTeigue2005Action/Sci-Fi
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It is midterm season and we know you are very busy with the exams.

But still, we can never feel more exited to welcome the fruitful November!

PIFS has prepared a delicious feast for all of you at the begining of November.

It is the Movie, HIGH NOON(烈日當空)
Screening Date: 6 Nov 2009 (Friday)
Screening Time: from 19:00 -21:30
Screening Venue: N002

The most exciting news is that, the movie director, Heiward Mak, will be present at that day!


Film Description
Under the management of the experienced film producer Eric Tsang, the soothing Taiwanese movie, “Winds of September”, has been transformed to its passionate Hong Kong version, “High Noon”. Although it is said that there should be no fear in the midst of high noon, it is common for the human heart to experience tidal emotions. Teenage is the stage that one experiences most uncertainties and bizarre feelings, “High Noon” documents the rise and fall of these teenage periods. The young director Heiward Mak superbly designs and directs the phenomenal film to authenticate the tough, insolent, and rebellious teenage race. Acted by a cast with the average age of 17, High Noon is guaranteed to provide you with a fresh and authentic perspective for the raging youth hood for youngsters in Hong Kong. The world is ever-changing under the rising sun. The new buzz says that Winter may soon fade away in Hong Kong. Under such a sizzling era, High Noon will swelter your hearts with the raging teenage minds under the November Sun.

Official Blog:


Limited free tickets will be distributed outside the venue 15 minutes before the screening. Seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis (for PolyU students and staff). There will be a post-screening session (in English) where light refreshments will be served.

You can never miss it ! We are waiting for you !
2009 Oirentation Night

Our O'night for the 09/10 year was held on 20/09/2009

It was a great success!!!!
We hope you guys enjoy it !!!!
You may miss the chance to spend a great night with us due to the limited vacancies.
You still have a whole year to spend the whole year with us
with the febulous movies!!!
Here comes some photos on that night.

For more photos
Please go to our facebook group and check it out !

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The Legend:

Clint Eastwood

PIFS Theme Month: The legend: Clint Eastwood ( 奇連依士活 )

The PolyU International Film Society (PIFS) is pleased to
announce the following 3 screenings of our theme month.

The legend: Clint Eastwood

With a career that spans over six decades, from television, to hit movies, to winning Academy Awards, Clint Eastwood has established himself as one of the greatest and most respected actors and directors Hollywood and the world has ever seen. Although he is aging now, he continues to thrive and will undoubtedly continue to surprise audiences.

The following three award-winning movies directed by Clint Eastwood are going to be shown:

First Screening: Gran Torino (驅.逐)

Category: Drama and Crime

Class: IIB
Date: 9th October 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Venue: Chiang Chen Studio Theatre (Near Core A)

In Michigan, the grumpy widower Walt Kowalski is a Korean War veteran full of prejudice that has just lost his beloved wife Dorothy. He is one of the last Caucasian Americans in his neighborhood and does not have good relationship with his sons and their families; therefore he is a lonely man. When his teenager neighbor Thao Vang Lor is pressed by his cousin Smokie to join his Hmong gang, he is assigned to steal the Gran Torino of Walt as part of his initiation in the gang……





Second Screening: Mystic River (懸河殺機)

Category: Mystery, Drama and Crime

Class: IIB
Date: 16th October 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:15 p.m.

Venue: DE306

During a summer in 1975, Dave Boyle and two friends, Jimmy and Sean, are playing on a
sidewalk in Boston when Dave is abducted by two men and subjected to sexual abuse over a period of several days. Eventually escaping, but haunted into adulthood by his trauma, Dave becomes a primary suspect when Jimmy's daughter, Katie, is found murdered. Sean, assigned to investigate the crime, finds himself facing both demons from the past and demons in the present as the circumstances surrounding Katie's death are uncovered.


三名兒時玩伴西恩、大衛與吉米,在25年後於波士頓重逢,卻是因一樁悲劇而起:吉米的女兒凱蒂死於一場謀殺。 西恩是負責偵辦此案的警探。




Third Screening: Letters from Iwo Jima (硫磺島戰書)

Category: Drama, History and War

Class: IIB
Date: 23th October 2009 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Venue: Chiang Chen Studio Theatre (Near Core A)

The island of Iwo Jima stands between the American military
force and the home islands of Japan. Therefore the Imperial Japanese Army is desperate to prevent it from falling into American hands and providing a launching point for an invasion of Japan. General Tadamichi Kuribayashi is given command of the forces on the island and sets out to prepare for the imminent attack. General Kuribayashi, however, does not favor the rigid traditional approach recommended by his subordinates, and resentment and resistance fester among his staff. In the lower echelons, a young soldier, Saigo, a poor baker in civilian life, strives with his friends to survive the harsh regime of the Japanese army itself, all the while knowing that a fierce battle looms. When the American invasion begins, both Kuribayashi and Saigo find strength, honor, courage, and horrors beyond imagination.


六 十多年前,美軍與日軍在硫磺島上激烈交戰。多年後,人們在小島的泥土裏翻出數百封信件。這些信件記載了一班曾經在那裏奮勇作戰的軍人的內心世界,亦讓後人 認識一位曾在那裏指揮大局的日本將軍。被派駐硫磺島的日本軍人,都知道他們不會再有機會回家。他們當中包括一等兵西鄉昇(二宮和也飾),一位只想看看新生 女兒容貌的麵包師傅;伊藤大尉(中村獅童飾),一位寧可切腹自盡也誓死不肯投降的嚴肅軍人。美軍原本以為可以迅速攻克硫磺島,不過因為栗林中將和日軍寧死 不降的戰意,令這戰役變成一場長達四十天的血腥拉鋸戰......



For all movies:

Limited free entry; seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis for PolyU students and staff. Early comers might need to wait outside.

Light refreshments will be served in the post screening discussion session. For the screening of Letters from Iwo Jima, the venue of discussion will be held at theater lounge.