Library Regulations

Only PIFS members with valid membership cards (newly updated) are allowed to borrow DVDs from the CILL library.

1. Each member can borrow only one DVD at a time and keep it for 2 working days.

2. Borrowers should present their staff (or student) ID cards and membership cards to the staff at the CILL counter.

3. Borrowers' PIFS membership cards will be kept by CILL staff until the DVD is returned.

4. Borrowers who have two overdue records in a semester will not be allowed to borrow any DVDs for that semester and their names will be kept in the “no loan” record.

5. It is the responsibility of the borrower to ensure that the DVD issued to him/her is complete and undamaged before leaving CILL.

6. If any DVD borrowed is damaged or lost, the borrower is liable to pay PIFS such sum as PIFS considers necessary to replace such damaged or lost item.

All rights are reserved for PIFS.

All VCDs, VHS and Books have been removed from ClLL PIFS Library. If you want to borrow any of these items, please e-mail us or leave messages on our Facebook or Blog. We will follow it up and arrange the loan.
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Requiem for a Dream
PIFS’ Screening: Requiem for a Dream(迷上癮)
Category: Drama
Class: III
Runtime of the movie: 102 minutes
Date: 29th January 2010 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Venue: TU103

The Plot:
The lonely, widowed Sara, galvanized by the prospect of appearing on a TV show, has started on a dangerous diet regimen to beautify herself. Her son Harry and his girlfriend Marion find their love an artificial refuge that lets them shut out the real world. Together with his friend Tyrone, Harry works as a drug dealer. These four persons find their outsized dreams of future bliss but tragically get lost........

四個渴望快樂的人:莎拉,為了在減肥電視節目上亮相,卻上了減肥藥癮;夏利,莎拉的獨子,販毒為了賺錢吸毒;瑪莉安,夏利的女朋友,不惜出賣自己的身體來換取毒品;泰倫,夏利的好朋友,和夏利一同吸毒、一同販毒、一同沉淪。 本片將吸毒最陰暗、最殘酷的一面,赤裸裸呈現在觀眾眼前,年輕人尤其不容錯過。

Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgo3Hb5vWLE

Seat reservation will start outside the venue 15 minutes before the screening. Seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis (for PolyU students and staff). There will be a post-screening session (in English) about Personal Satisfaction and Addiction where light refreshments will be served.


PIFS’ Screening: There will be blood ( 黑金風雲 )

Category: Drama, Thriller

Class: IIB
Date: 22nd January 2010 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Venue: TU201

The Plot:
In the early years of the 20th century, Daniel Plainview is an oil prospector. Based on information sold to him by Paul Sunday, he travels to Little Boston, California and begins to buy land, starting with the Sunday's farm. He wants to buy up all of the land in the area and smooth talks the locals into selling by promising that he will build roads, schools and churches. He has no intention of doing so of course and his only purpose is to make money. Over the course of his endeavors, men die, the locals get nothing and Plainview gets rich. In his life he makes few friends and many enemies and even his adopted son H.W. is eventually alienated.



Official Website and trailer: http://www.thefilmfactory.co.uk/blood/

預告片中文版: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJmyd3hnf9c


Seat reservation will start outside the venue 15 minutes before the screening. Seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis (for PolyU students and staff). There will be a post-screening session (in English) about Fame and Wealth with Dr. James Xing where light refreshments will be served.

The Assassination of
by the Coward Robert Ford
( 叛逆暗殺 )

Category: Biography, Crime, Drama, History

Class: IIB

Date: 15th January 2010 (Friday)

Time: 7:00p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Venue: Chiang Chen Studio Theatre Theatre Lounge(Near G/F of Core A)

The Plot:

An action western surrounding the private life and public exploits of America's most notorious outlaw, Jesse James. As the charismatic and unpredictable outlaw plans his next great robbery, he wages war on his enemies, who are trying to collect the reward money--and the glory--that is riding on his capture. However, the greatest threat to Jesse's life may ultimately come from those he trusts the most…

謝西占士(畢彼特 飾演)是美國名副其實的大紅人。時至今日,已有無數書籍細數這位美國頭號罪犯的精彩事跡,陳述他鮮明強烈的性格,但只有少數依從真相如實報道。 對於被他洗劫和恐嚇的人、和那些他殺害的人的親屬來說,謝西占士可能只是個罪犯,但在1870年代每篇煽情的報章新聞和廉價小說中,謝西占士是人們敬仰和崇拜的對像。他是真人版的羅賓漢,專門打劫那些剝削貧窮農民的火車公司老闆和銀行家,他背負著沉重的過去,一位要為自己不幸遭遇討回公道的士兵。更重要的是,對於絕大部分早已定居城市的人來說,他是最後一位浪人,象徵著自由和美國精神,是一位充滿魅力的反叛者,無視法律堅持按照自己的規則做事,是一個活生生的傳奇。

Official Website: http://jessejamesmovie.warnerbros.com/#

Seat reservation will start outside the venue 15 minutes before the screening. Seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis (for PolyU students and staff). There will be a post-screening session (in English) about Fame and Trust with Dr. Paris Lau where light refreshments will be served.