Requiem for a Dream
PIFS’ Screening: Requiem for a Dream(迷上癮)
Category: Drama
Class: III
Runtime of the movie: 102 minutes
Date: 29th January 2010 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Venue: TU103
The Plot:
The lonely, widowed Sara, galvanized by the prospect of appearing on a TV show, has started on a dangerous diet regimen to beautify herself. Her son Harry and his girlfriend Marion find their love an artificial refuge that lets them shut out the real world. Together with his friend Tyrone, Harry works as a drug dealer. These four persons find their outsized dreams of future bliss but tragically get lost........
四個渴望快樂的人:莎拉,為了在減肥電視節目上亮相,卻上了減肥藥癮;夏利,莎拉的獨子,販毒為了賺錢吸毒;瑪莉安,夏利的女朋友,不惜出賣自己的身體來換取毒品;泰倫,夏利的好朋友,和夏利一同吸毒、一同販毒、一同沉淪。 本片將吸毒最陰暗、最殘酷的一面,赤裸裸呈現在觀眾眼前,年輕人尤其不容錯過。
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgo3Hb5vWLE
PIFS’ Screening: Requiem for a Dream(迷上癮)
Category: Drama
Class: III
Runtime of the movie: 102 minutes
Date: 29th January 2010 (Friday)
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Venue: TU103
The Plot:
The lonely, widowed Sara, galvanized by the prospect of appearing on a TV show, has started on a dangerous diet regimen to beautify herself. Her son Harry and his girlfriend Marion find their love an artificial refuge that lets them shut out the real world. Together with his friend Tyrone, Harry works as a drug dealer. These four persons find their outsized dreams of future bliss but tragically get lost........
四個渴望快樂的人:莎拉,為了在減肥電視節目上亮相,卻上了減肥藥癮;夏利,莎拉的獨子,販毒為了賺錢吸毒;瑪莉安,夏利的女朋友,不惜出賣自己的身體來換取毒品;泰倫,夏利的好朋友,和夏利一同吸毒、一同販毒、一同沉淪。 本片將吸毒最陰暗、最殘酷的一面,赤裸裸呈現在觀眾眼前,年輕人尤其不容錯過。
Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgo3Hb5vWLE
Seat reservation will start outside the venue 15 minutes before the screening. Seats will be available on a first-come-first-served basis (for PolyU students and staff). There will be a post-screening session (in English) about Personal Satisfaction and Addiction where light refreshments will be served.
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